Best webdrive for rails rspec capybara
Best webdrive for rails rspec capybara

best webdrive for rails rspec capybara

ruby sass html5 rspec css3 devise bulma-css-framework capybara ruby-on-rails. They are able to name and create those groups according to their convenience. Where if something goes wrong it is harder to debug what is going on, but they "promise" to let you develop faster. This is an activity logger app that helps a user create daily activities and categorize them according to various groups they have in mind. The downsides are that these frameworks add a layer of magic. You might not even have to change your tests to use the new tech. If a new testing method comes along let the Capybara team implement it with the same DSL. If you write their DSL you could also switch to other frameworks then Selenium, but capybara does not offer that yet, but it could be an advantage in the future. Easier and more readable syntax, easier configuration and auto-waiting. Most of these Selenium frameworks try to achieve the same things. Powerful synchronization features mean you never have to manually wait for asynchronous processes to complete.Switch the backend your tests run against from fast headless mode to an actual browser with no changes to your tests.Intuitive API which mimics the language an actual user would use.

best webdrive for rails rspec capybara

Setting the scene For this blog post, the relevant bits of my stack are: capybara 3.35 faraday 1.4 rails 6.1 rspec 3.10 rspec-rails 5.0 turbo-rails 0.5 vcr 6.0 webdrivers 4.6 webmock 3.

  • No setup necessary for Rails and Rack application. If your knowledge about Rails frontend testing still stems from the Rails v4 or v5 era, you might be pleasantly surprised by how easy it can be now.
  • I think the Capybara benefits sum it up nicely:

    Best webdrive for rails rspec capybara